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English>>China Society

Lucky with the draw, not so with the lottery ticket

By Li Qian (Shanghai Daily)

15:53, November 05, 2012

THREE diners in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province, who were announced the winners in a lucky draw, may lose out on the up to 800,000 yuan (US$128,160) bumper prize because their lottery ticket, or rather the receipt of their meal, is missing and is likely to have been discarded.

A local aircraft engine company employer surnamed Wang and his two colleagues, surnamed Li and Xiao, spent 104 yuan at a hot pot restaurant on September 4. After the meal, they asked for an invoice and Xiao kept it.

The Liaoning tax authority has been holding a lucky draw since April 1 in which customers can win a series of prizes in accordance with the number of their invoices. Five people have so far claimed the bumper monthly prize before the trio won it for September, Shenyang Evening News reported yesterday.

The three men never expected they would strike lucky until one of Wang's friends told him that the video footage showing them dining at the restaurant was broadcast on the local TV station in a bid to find them.

"We just ordered some meat and vegetables that day. Wang paid 100 yuan and I paid 4 yuan," Li said. "Every time we asked Xiao to keep the invoices."

Since neither Wang nor Li found the invoice in their home and offices, they pinned their hopes on Xiao. However, Xiao was on a business trip and couldn't remember whether he put the invoice in his office or just threw it away, the paper said.

According to the rules, they have to claim the lottery prize within 90 days.

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