Iraqi Vice President Said not Alone in Resisting US Aggression

Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan has said that the Arab people and the international community will continue to stand by Iraq in resisting the anti-Iraq aggressive policy of the United States.

Ramadan made the remarks on Tuesday evening while meeting with leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who is currently on a visit to Iraq, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported on Wednesday.

INA quoted Ramadan as saying that "legendary steadfastness of the Iraqi people will make the wall of embargo collapse from inside Iraq, instead of from inside the US-dominated UN Security Council."

He highly appreciated support extended by the Arab world and other countries to Iraq's legal right to have the criminal embargo lifted.

For his part, Zhirinovsky reiterated his party's total solidarity with the Iraqi people in their just struggle for breaking the draconian UN embargo.

He also voiced willingness of Russian companies to cooperate with Iraq in different spheres.

Zhirinovsky, an advocate of lifting the UN sanctions imposed on Iraq since 1990, enjoys good personal relations with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and visits Iraq every year.

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