World Anti-Doping Agency Board to Hold Inaugural Meeting Next Week

The inaugural meeting of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Board will be held in Lausanne on 13 January, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced Friday in Lausanne.

The WADA was established on November 10, 1999 with its provisional seat in Lausanne. The WADA's board so far includes representatives from the European Union, the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa, and the Olympic Movement.

One day before the meeting, IOC President Juan Samaranch will be meeting General Barry R. McCaffrey, director of US National Drug Control Policy, together with the Hon. Denis Coderre, secretary of state, amateur sports, Canada, and Senator the Hon. Amanda Vanstone, minister for justice and customs, Australia.

At the first meeting of the WADA board, new board members will be appointed and official observers will be recognized. The board will adopt criteria and methods for selecting representatives of national governments.

It will also discuss the agency's activities in 2000, the operational budget for 2000 and some other organizational issues. (Xinhua)

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