Three Kidnappers Arrested in Yangon

Three persons, who kidnapped a girl and demanded money from her father which he owed to them in timber trading business, were arrested in Yangon Friday night, according to a press release issued by the Office of the Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defense Saturday evening.

The seizure was made by a joint team of the local intelligence unit and police force when they raided a house, where the kidnappers brought the girl to and demanded the ransom, in Lanmadaw township.

Three timber traders, headed by Mar La, shot Daw San San Win ather stomach and kidnapped her 10-year-old daughter, Ma Thiri Kay Khaing, in her house in Mingalartaungnyunt township Friday afternoon when her husband, U Kyaw Myint, did not pay back the money which he owed to them.

Daw San Win was hospitalized in serious condition and her daughter was rescued without any injury, the press release said.

Serious action will be taken against the kidnappers, it added.(Xinhua)

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