Chernomyrdin's Bloc to Back Putin for Presidency

The political council of the Russia-wide political movement Russia Is Our Home (NDR) decided at a meeting Sunday to support acting President Vladimir Putin's candidacy for the March 26 presidential elections.

The council recommended that grass-root organizations be in active in forming structures and headquarters in support of Putin's candidacy, said the NDR press center.

Viktor Chernomyrdin, chairman of the movements, at the session addressed NDR tactics in the recently elected, and third, State Duma (lower house of parliament) as well as cooperation with the Unity movement faction in the lower chamber.

NDR as a whole collected around two percent of the votes in the December 19 parliamentary elections. Five percent was required tobe eligible for seats in the chamber.

However, a number of NDR members were elected in single-mandatedistricts. These winners include Chernomyrdin and the former leader of the movement's faction in the out-going Duma, Vladimir Ryzhkov. (Xinhua)

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