Clinton Launches All-out Effort For China's Entry Into WTO

US President Bill Clinton launched an "all-out effort" to push the Congress to facilitate China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

At a press conference at the White House, Clinton announced that a team consisting of his international economic cabinet members and his Policy Council coordinators will launch the "all-out effort". The team will be led by Commerce Secretary William Daley and White House deputy chief of staff Steve Ricchetti.

Delay led the White House war room in 1993 in the administration's successful drive to win approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.

"This year we face major challenges and opportunities in our relationship with China in foreign and security policy, economic policy, and trade," Clinton said.

"All those issues come together in one opportunity for the American people -- what we stand to gain when China enters the World Trade Organization," he said. "But to lock in our benefits, we first must grant China permanent normal trade relations status."

Clinton said the US-China agreement on China's entry into WTO reached at the end of last year was "a good deal for America" as American products will gain better access to China's market in every sector, from agriculture to telecommunications to automobiles.

"Bringing China into the WTO is a win-win decision," he said. "I will be working hard over the coming weeks and over the coming months to make sure we do not let this opportunity slip away."

The White House will concentrate on rounding up Republican votes to admit China to the WTO this year, White House officials said.

Clinton is expected to meet with his full cabinet on January 19to discuss ways and means to win the Republican support on the issue. (Xinhua)

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