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Monday, April 24, 2000, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)

Tianjin Opens Wildlife Protection Hotline

This north China port city has opened a hotline dedicated to the protection of wildlife. The first of its kind in China, the round-the-clock hotline at 191 was opened earlier this month as part of the plan to implement China's Law on the Protection of Wild Animals.

If any wild animal is found to be in danger, the hotline will inform the related departments to do what they can to rescue it, according to the hotline's operator.

Occupying 11,919sq. km., Tianjin has rich wild life resources in its forests and mountains and along its 153-km-long coast line. Experts say that some 235 varieties of birds have been spotted in Tianjin, and that despite the city's efforts to protect wildlife, killing and hunting of wild animals and birds still occurs occasionally.

The hotline will also accept calls relating to illegal sales and purchases of wild animals.

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This north China port city has opened a hotline dedicated to the protection of wildlife.

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