Clinton: Congress "Unwise" If China's PNTR Denied

US President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that it would be "very unwise" if the Congress denies normal trade relations with China.

Clinton made the remark in a speech at a conference of the Independent Insurance Agents of America, three weeks before a pivotal U.S. Congress vote on whether to grant China permanent normal trade relations status.

"From a national security point of view, it would in my view be a very, very unwise and precarious move to say that the United States doesn't care whether they're part of the world community or not," Clinton said.

Clinton said it is in the national security interest of the United States and also necessary to keep the country's economy going.

China is going to get in the World Trade Organization whether the U.S. votes to give normal trade relations every year or not, he added.

"There's 1.2 billion people over there and increasingly more and more of them will be able to buy what Americans can sell," he said.

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