China to Strengthen Research on Red Tide

Chinese oceanographers urge the oceanography management departments to draw up a long-range program for the red tide study and a 3- to-5 year short-term plan as soon as possible.

At the just-concluded "Red Tide Sci-Tech Research and Development Seminar" sponsored by State Oceanography Bureau, more than 30 experts suggested giving prominence to the application of the red tide research plan. They stressed the need to intensify on-the-spot investigation of red tide, with focus being placed on the research on toxin analytical technology, as well as the space and remote-sensing technologies.

Experts also proposed paying attention to nutritional study to find out the material foundation for, and accordingly exercise control on, the emergence of red tide, and striving to provide effective technological support for the early warning, forecasting and reduction of the disaster effect of red tide in the short term.

They said that research must serve management. A monitoring network, and an early warning and emergency system should be established as soon as possible. The total volume of the discharge of pollutants should be kept under control.

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