Friendship Is More Precious Than Gold

In early summer, Zagreb, the capital of the picturesque Croatia, is blessed with bright and beautiful sunshine and luxuriant vegetation. In this season of pleasant weather, the Croatian people welcomed Li Peng, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China, his wife and entourage, distinguished guests from afar.

The official good-willed visit paid by Chairman Li Peng to Croatia has produced strong repercussion locally. For days on end, local radios, TV stations and journals have given ample reports on the talks and meetings between leaders of the two countries. A main newspaper of Croatia published a signed article on June 17 which says that on June 16 Chairman Li Peng conducted wide-ranging fruitful talks with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, Assembly Speaker Zlatko Tomcic and Prime Minister Ivica Racan, they had extensive, in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations, the situation in East and South European regions and major international issues, through which they have enhanced their mutual understanding and reached extensive common view. The present visit is an important, successful meeting between leaders of the two countries since Croatia and China established diplomatic relations".

During talks between the two sides, how to further enhance friendship and expand cooperation is the most important topic of conversation. Chairman Li Peng stressed that China has always upheld fairness and promoted justice, it does not have any private interest in the former Yugoslavian region and it has given equal treatment to all countries there. On the Basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, China is willing to raise the relationship between the two countries to a new level.

Croatian leaders have expressed, on many occasions, their special thanks to China because of the fact that after Croatia's independence, China extended timely recognition to, and established diplomatic relationship with, Croatia. President Stjepan Mesic said to Chairman Li Peng, "You have come for visit as the envoy of the Great China, bringing the friendship of the Chinese people for the Croatian people and we feel very happy. Croatia is a small country in Europe, while China is a world big country, cooperation between Croatia and China is an example for cooperation between big and small countries on the basis of equality."

During his talks with Chairman Li Peng, Assembly Speaker Zlatko Tomcic stressed that Croatia abides by the principles set in the communique on the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1992 and is devoted to developing Croatia-China relationship. Although our two countries are far apart and there are great differences in territory, population and history, our relations have been developing vary well, and there are no conflicts and problems between them. At the banquet held in honor of Chairman Li Peng on the evening of June 16, Speaker Tomcic further pointed out that no matter what change will take place in the international situation and whatever things may happen domestically in Croatia, Croatia will, as always, develop relationship between the two countries.

While he was met by Chairman Li Peng, Croatian Prime Minister Lvica Racan said that although Croatia and China are far from each other, when we make friends with each other, we don't care about the distance, this is precisely what the Chinese mean to say "Bosom friends far and near are close neighbors though separated by great distance". Chairman Li Peng indicated that economic and trade cooperation is an important component of the relations between China and Croatia. Although bilateral trade volume is currently still fairly low, the potential for developing economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is great and the prospect is bright, he expressed the hope that the two sides would make joint efforts for this purpose, they should get to know the other side's demand and the possibility for cooperation, encourage and support the entrepreneurs of both sides to strengthen contact and cooperation.

One morning, Chairman Li Peng and his party came to visit the old city of Dubrovnik, praised as a pearl of the Adriatic Sea. Ancient cities of Croatia along the shore were all built in the castle, Dubrovnik is most typical in this regard, the ancient city is fully enclosed in the tall and solid stone walls, there are pillboxes each is not far from the other on the wide city walls, the largest one faces the clear and quiet Adriatic Sea, becoming the symbol of Dubrovnik. The old city is known for tall watchtowers, towering city walls, narrow streets and dense clusters of buildings. In 1979, it was included in the list of the World Cultural Heritage.

At the tea party held in honor of Chairman Li Peng, the deputy governor of Dubrovnik said that the ancient city wall of Dubrovnik, founded in the middle of the 7th century which has never been used in war over the past 1,000 years and more, serves as the best testimony. He said that Croatian people and the Chinese people have traditional friendship. Marco Polo, the forerunner who went from Europe to China on a visit, was familiar to the Chinese, this great cultural envoy once lived in Dubrovnik city for quite a long time.

In the past few days, when this reporter covered news in Croatia, he felt the atmosphere of Sino-Croatian friendship prevailing everywhere. When he went from his living quarter Cavtat to Dubrovnik for news coverage, this reporter had a chat with a local driver. The driver told him, legend has it that at first when the ancient city of Dubrovnik was built, in order to mobilize the strength of everybody, it was stipulated that everyone coming to the city must bring with him or her a piece of brick to be used in building the city. The driver added what gladdened him was that the friendship Chairman Li Peng had brought was more precious than gold.

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