Taiwan Issue Can Be Solved Only Within One-China Frame: FM Spokesman

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao said in Beijing Tuesday that the Taiwan issue and the Korean issue are entirely different in nature and in the cause of emergence, the Taiwan issue is an issue left over from China's civil war, and is a purely internal matter, and can only be solved within the one-China frame.

Zhu made the remark while responding to a reporter's question at a regular press conference in Beijing Tuesday afternoon. The reporter asked for comment on Taiwan's Chen Shui-bian's earlier remark that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits should follow the mode of the inter-Korea summit to realize cross-straits reconciliation.

The spokesman said that if the Taiwan authorities are really sincere to follow the mode of the summit between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, they should clearly accept the one-China principle as soon as possible and clearly admit that they themselves are Chinese and clearly commit themselves to pursuing the objective of reunification and really putting it into practical action.

Zhu said that the first ever summit between DPRK and ROK is of great significance to enhancing mutual understanding, developing inter-Korean relations and realizing national independence and peaceful reunification.

A declaration was signed following the summit which discussed the national reconciliation and unity, exchanges and cooperation, peace and reunification, he added.

Leaders of both sides of the Korean peninsula said that the north and south are of one nationality and one community, and should join hands and advance, Zhu said, adding that both sides will follow the principle and work hard to explore the road to living in harmony and solve all the existing problems one by one and finally achieve the independence, peace and reunification.

This reflected the determination and aspiration of the people and leaders of the north and south of the peninsula to pursue the independent solution of peaceful reunification of their fatherland according to the principle of the Korean nationality being the master in solving the issue of the state reunification, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/