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Thursday, August 31, 2000, updated at 22:30(GMT+8)

China Shuts Down 100 Channels of Wireless Paging

The Ministry of Information Industry (MII) announced here today that it has shut down over 100 channels of wireless paging services due to interruption of aviation and navigation communications.

Vice Minister of Information Industry Zhang Chunjiang told a national televised conference in Beijing today that the ministry and relevant authorities have asked all paging stations in the country to register again since July last year.

At present China has 389 registered channels and 51,827 base stations of paging services. They are operated by 1,479 owners around the country.

Zhang said that China has already become the largest user of wireless paging in the world. The rapid growth of paging services has led to some problems, such as interruption of aviation and navigation communications. In some of the cases, the interruption almost caused serious accidents.

The closing of over 100 of the interrupting paging channels has greatly reduced the occurrence of interference. However, Zhang said that the problem has yet to be totally resolved because there are still many potential risks.

He said that through the new round of registration of paging stations, the authorities will develop a complete data bank about the channels used by paging services in the country. With the help of a wireless electronic monitoring system, the authorities will detect unregistered paging services and sources of interrupting signals.

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The Ministry of Information Industry (MII) announced here today that it has shut down over 100 channels of wireless paging services due to interruption of aviation and navigation communications.

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