UN Urges Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries

Closer economic cooperation among developing countries due to globalization is urged by officials with the United Nations at the Fourth China International Investment and Trade Fair, which opened Friday in the east China city of Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Liang Dan, director of the Investment and Technology Bureau under the UN Industrial Development Organization, said developing countries should not be excluded from economic globalization and technological upgrading.

She called for a united endeavor among developing countries, especially in the high-tech industry, to face up to the fierce international competition.

Liang noted that the international capital circulation and incorporation has been concentrated in developed countries, which has further widened the gap between the developed and developing countries.

The organization announced today the inauguration of the first UN TCDC Network Demonstration Base, which is aimed to set up an example for developing countries to join hands in economic cooperation.

Yo Manuro, deputy secretary of the organization, said that the center will take advantage of the UN's technology consultants for developing countries to find out about their technological and economic resources, which range from vegetables, IT, bio-engineering, environmental industry, hygiene and health care as well as education.

China has opened over 20 experimental areas for economic cooperation among developing countries. The country has also taken up some 840 TCDC projects assimilating 700 million U.S. dollars of funds. These projects have helped train professionals and offer technological assistance to developing countries.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/