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Tuesday, September 12, 2000, updated at 17:02(GMT+8)

Officials of Macao, Zhuhai Discuss Economic Cooperation

Senior officials of China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) and its neighbor Zhuhai City talked about economic cooperation Tuesday.

Francis Tam Pak Un, secretary for economy and finance of the Macao SAR government, met with Zhou Benhui, vice-mayor of Zhuhai at the headquarters of the Macao SAR government.

The meeting was aimed at establishing a mechanism of contact between the two cities and making initial discussions about the aspects of future cooperation, Francis Tam Pak Un said.

In particular, the two officials talked about concerted efforts in developing tourism and export-oriented processing industry.

Since the founding of the Macao SAR last December, mutual official contacts have been frequent but it was the first time that a high-ranking official delegation from Zhuhai came to Macao.

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Senior officials of China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) and its neighbor Zhuhai City talked about economic cooperation Tuesday.

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