Chinese People's Living Standard Rises

Following are the facts and figures about the rising living standard of Chinese people in the Ninth Five-year Plan period (1996-2000), provided by the State Development Planning Commission.

The disposable income of each urban resident reached 5,854 yuan in 1999, up 1,571 yuan over 1995, an annual average rise of 5.6 percent.

The net income of each rural resident climbed to 2,210 yuan in 1999, 632 yuan more than 1995, up 5.4 percent annually in average.

Chinese urban residents spent 6,651 yuan per capita in 1999, moving up 1,777 yuan over 1995, an annual average rise of 6.1 percent.

Each rural resident spent 1,973 yuan in 1999, jumping 539 yuan over 1995, up 5.7 percent annually in average.

The total deposit of Chinese people soared from 1995's 2,966.2 billion yuan to 1999's 5,962.2 billion yuan.

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