Chinese Defense Minister Meets Japanese Guests

Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian Friday reiterated that developing friendly cooperation between China and Japan is not only in line with the interests of the two peoples, but also conducive to the peace, stability and development in the region and the world at large.

In a meeting with Takegouchi Shoji, chief of the Air Self-Defense Force of Japan and his party, Chi stressed that China hopes Japan will learn from the history and not repeat the militarism.

Two countries should work together to continue developing the friendly cooperation from generation to generation, said Chi, who also briefed the guests on China's principled position on the Taiwan issue.

Takegouchi said Japan will never forget the history and will correctly understand the history and, on this basis, push forward the exchange and cooperation between the two countries and their armed forces.

On the Taiwan issue, he said that "Taiwan is part of the Chinese territory and that he hopes China will realize the full reunification of the motherland at an early date."

It is the first time for a Japanese chief of the air self-defense force to visit China

People's Daily Online ---