China Welcomes Betterment of DPRK-US Ties: FM Spokesman

China welcomes the betterment of bilateral ties between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the US, which is marked by the ongoing visit of US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to the DPRK, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu BangzaoTuesday at a regular press conference.

Zhu made the remark in response to a question related to Albright's DPRK visit.

The basic stand of the Chinese government on the Korean Peninsular issue is to maintain peace and stability there, and China supports and welcomes any move that serves for this purpose, he said.

When asked to comment on the missile development program in DPRK, Zhu reaffirmed that China wishes to see progress in the consultations and negotiations between the DPRK and the US in that regard, and opposes proliferation of weapons of mass destruction on the peninsular.

People's Daily Online ---