Financial Revenue Increased Over 200 Bn Yuan in First 11 Months

It is learnt from the National Financial Working Conference held in Beijing December 13 that since the beginning of 2000, China has continued to carry out a series of macroeconomic control measures including the proactive fiscal policy and stable monetary policy which have produced notable results and brought about an important turn for the better in the national economy. It is estimated that both the central and local government budgets of this year will be fulfilled. The central financial deficit will be lower than the amount set in the adjusted budget.

Sources say that from January to November, the financial revenue of the country amounted to 1191.277 billion yuan (debt income excluded), an increase of 208.464 billion yuan, or 21.2 percent, over the same period last year. Of the total, the revenue of the central government came to 632.457 billion yuan, up by 26.7 percent over the same period last year; that of the local government to 558.82 billion yuan, by 15.6 percent. The national expenditure was 1190.925 billion yuan (debt expenditure excluded), 203.322 billion yuan, or 20.6 percent, more than that of the same period last year, of the total, the expenditure of the central government amounted to 390.608 billion yuan, up by 32.6 percent; local expenditure to 800.317 billion yuan, by 15.5 percent over the same period last year.

By PD Online staff member Du Minghua

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