China Willing to Work for World Peace and Prosperity

The Chinese government and people are willing to work hand in hand with other countries and peoples for a world of peace and prosperity, cooperation and development in the 21st century.

Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan made the remarks Friday evening at a New Year's reception in honor of diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and their families living in China.

Tang said that China will continue to follow the reform and opening-up policy and pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.

China is eager to develop friendship and cooperation with all other countries, based on the five principles of peaceful co-existence, and will work harder to establish an equitable and rational world order in the political and economic arenas, he added.

Tang called the year 2000 historically significant for China, saying that China has scored remarkable achievements in wide-ranging areas.

He said that China has played an increasingly bigger role in international affairs.

At the dawn of the new century, peoples in the world all expect a lasting peace and common prosperity, Tang said.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin made clear China's positions on establishing a new international order at the millennium summit of the United Nations in September, which reflected the common aspiration of all peace-loving countries and peoples, Tang said.

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