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Tuesday, March 13, 2001, updated at 10:30(GMT+8)

Iloilo Remains Fiji President: Radio Fiji

Fiji's influential Great Council of Chiefs Tuesday reconfirmed Ratu Josefa Iloilo as the country's president, Radio Fiji reported.

Radio Fiji said Iloilo was the only nominee for the position and he was expected to choose a prime minister for the country.

The council is currently holding discussions to appoint a vice president of the country, the reports said.

The Court of Appeal of Fiji ruled early March that the present government is illegitimate and a new president will have to be elected within the next two weeks.

The court said the country's parliament was not dissolved but prorogued following the coup by George Speight and his supporters in May last year.

It also said that the 1997 Constitution remains the supreme law of the country.

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Fiji's influential Great Council of Chiefs Tuesday reconfirmed Ratu Josefa Iloilo as the country's president, Radio Fiji reported.

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