Jiangsu Set to Further Boost Economic Growth

Party Secretary Hui Liangyu of Jiangsu Province, one of China's economic powerhouses, has promised to increase farmers's income by five percent this year.

The average income of farmers in the province was 3,595 yuan last year, placed sixth in the country. The income of urban residents per capita stood at 6,800 yuan, higher than the national average of 6,420.

In an interview with Xinhua, Hui said Jiangsu, a coastal province known for the rapid growth of township enterprises, witnessed the fastest average annual growth of 11.2 percent over the past five years.

The province's gross domestic product (GDP) averaged US$1,400 per capita in 2000 as against US$874 in 1995, said Hui.

Jiangsu's 2010 GDP will be 1.4 times that of 2000, he added. Hui is in Beijing attending the on-going annual session of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, as a deputy.

To this end, Jiangsu will focus efforts on promoting progress in science, technology and education, internationalizing the operations of the local economy, stepping up urbanization process and reducing farmers' burdens, coordinating development in various areas, and strengthening the control of population growth and pollution for a sustainable development.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/