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Thursday, April 12, 2001, updated at 07:36(GMT+8)

Chinese President Meets Uruguayan Parliamentary Leaders

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Wednesday in Montevideo that the Chinese government attached importance to its ties with Uruguay and hoped to continue the friendly cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

Jiang made the remarks in his meeting with Uruguayan Vice President and President of National Congress Luis Hierro and President of Chamber of Deputies Gustave Penades amidst his state visit.

Though brief in time, he said, he was impressed by the hospitality of the Uruguayan people.

Hierro welcomed Jiang on behalf of all political parties in the Uruguayan parliament. "We have deep respect and friendly feeling towards China," he said. "We are pleased to receive you here and consider your visit an important event."

Uruguayan-Chinese relations have registered marked progress in recent years, he said. "It is important for Uruguay to develop political relations with China," he said, adding that Uruguay was also interested in the development of bilateral trade cooperation.

Congressmen present at the meeting also briefed Jiang on the recently founded Uruguay-China Friendship Group under the Uruguayan National Congress. They told Jiang that the Uruguayan parliament pledged to make efforts for a further growth of bilateral ties.

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Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Wednesday in Montevideo that the Chinese government attached importance to its ties with Uruguay and hoped to continue the friendly cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

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