China to Twice Expand Its Information Market by 2005

Wang Chunzheng, vice minister of the State Development and Planning Commission said at the International Symposium on Network Economy and Economic Governance that by 2005 China will have an information market twice as much large as that of 2000.

Wang said that by 2005 China's information industry is to create an added value to take up a weighty proportion of its GDP. Its technology and service will be raised to a much higher level.

In the coming five years, China will give top priority to the development and utilization of information resources. China will intensify information resources sharing and speed up informationalizaiton process in the areas of government affairs, finance, foreign trade, education, sci-tech and other sectors. With these, the country will speed up its infrastructure construction including building up a broadband network and popularizing the use of telephone and enhancing network and information security construction. Meanwhile, efforts will be made to advance the country's manufacturing industry of electronics information-related products and focus on informationalization and development of super-scale integrated circuits, high performance computer manufacturing and building super speed network system.

Wang said that China will create a favorable environment favorable for the rise of a network economy and advance of informationalization and a full use of market role in resource allocation to promote technology progress and satisfy market needs. We should break monopoly, govern market to form an efficient, orderly environment. In addition, China should also quicken the process of legislation in the industry, perfect laws and regulations on e-commerce transaction, online copyright protection, management of information resources and data protection to prevent and crack down computer and network crimes.

By PD Online Staff Li Yan

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