Lee's Japan Visit Is for Political Plot Rather than for Medical Treatment

Editorials and articles carried in Monday's HK newspapers have continued to denounce Lee Teng-hui's visit to Japan for "medical treatment."

The articles point out that Lee's visit is an out-and-out farce aimed at peddling "Taiwan independence" and seeking support from the right-wing forces in Japan.

His visit serves as a political plot to conduct separatist activities under the pretext of receiving medical treatment. The Japanese government should bear the unshirkable responsibility for this.

An editorial of HK Wen Wei Po notes that Lee's visit to Japan for "medical treatment" is an arch-lie.

It says: "According to the Taiwan doctor who has treated Lee, in terms of local medical standard and conditions, doctors in Taiwan are entirely able to cure his illness. However, Lee left Taiwan and traveled a long distance to Japan. This is an insult to the Taiwan medical community."

It continues: "So many politicians in Taiwan attempted to make a fuss about Lee's visit and applied pressure to Japan. Everyone can see that the visit is a political plot engineered jointly by Lee and the Taiwan authorities."

According to the editorial, Lee has long been seeking a visit to Japan, but whatever his pretext is, his visit is targeted at splitting China and undermining Sino-Japanese relations.

It adds: "Lee is by no means 'an ordinary citizen'. He has long been conducting political activities to split China. He has not hesitated to betray the interests of the Chinese nation, constantly made troubles in the international relationship arena and attempted by hook or crook to damage the friendly relations between China and other countries."

The Japanese government is clear about all this, but it abandoned its commitment on the issues related to the political basis for Sino-Japanese relations, the editorial says.

It also notes that the right-wing forces in Japan do not want to see a unified and a strong and prosperous China, and they are still coveting Taiwan, a sacred part of China's territory. "Therefore they show special appreciation for Lee. Lee's visit has also obtained their support, thus laying bare the conspiracy and collusion between the force advocating 'Taiwan independence' and the Japanese right-wing forces."

An article carried in HK Ta Kung Pao points out that Lee's Japan visit is a scheme elaborately engineered by Lee and his followers with the aim of developing the "substantial relation" between Taiwan and Japan.

The article says: "It is a big farce aimed at peddling 'Taiwan independence' and seeking support from the right-wing forces in Japan. Their further collusion will only aggravate the political situation in Taiwan and the already-tense cross-Straits relations."

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/