Microsoft Wins Shanghai Lawsuit

Microsoft, the US software giant, won a lawsuit in this east China metropolis Tuesday against violation of its intellectual property rights (IPR) by a local private business.

According to the verdict made by the No.1 Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai, Shanghai Huahai Computer Co. Ltd, the defendant, was ordered to stop violating the IPR of Microsoft, compensate the latter to the tune of 280,000 yuan (about 33,735 U.S. dollars), and have a written apology published in a newspaper.

The defendant was found guilty of having installed some Microsoft software without authorization in computers its outlets sold, including Windows98, Word97, Excel97, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access97 and Office97 folder in 1999 and 2000.

The company was fined 10,000 yuan last December by the local administration of industry and commerce after five more computers it sold were found to contain unauthorized Microsoft software.

People's Daily Online ---