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Sunday, May 06, 2001, updated at 11:34(GMT+8)

Fortune Global Forum to Be Focused on China, Asia

The upcoming Fortune Global Forum 2001 to be held in Hong Kong will be focused on China and Asia, exploring new business landscape across the region.

With the theme of "Next Generation Asia," the forum will have a couple of sessions dedicated to the outlook of China. Topics will include "Technology in Post-WTO China," "Next Generation China: The Emerging Western Region," "Next Generation China: The Entrepreneurs," and "The Reality of Post-WTO Business in China."

Other discussions will also contain subjects related to China, which, economists say, provides the business community worldwide with a huge market with great potential.

In referring to the advantages of Asia, participants will discuss "Where Asia Has the Edge" to find out Asia's latest development in wireless telecommunications, electronics and the services businesses.

The importance of new technology to the future economy will also be a focus of the forum. Business leaders around the world will discuss the topics of "Masters of the Future: Turning Visions into Reality," "E-Security: How Safe Are Financial Transactions Via the Internet," "M-Commerce," "The E-Portal: Maximizing Effectiveness for Your Company," "New Technologies Defining Business...and Beyond," "E-Retail: From Bricks to Clicks," "The Business of Biotech," and "E-Customer."

Besides topics of China, the forum organizer has arranged special sessions on the "Next Generation Japan," "Next Generation Taiwan," and "Next Generation India."

Economists consider the topic on India will be of great value for reference. The information technology, especially software, of India is regarded as taking a leading position in the region.

The forum will also contains subjects on the marketing and talent, such as "Next Generation Brand Building," "Global Capital Market: Where Are We Going?" and "Talent: Finding and Keeping the Best and the Brightest."

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The upcoming Fortune Global Forum 2001 to be held in Hong Kong will be focused on China and Asia, exploring new business landscape across the region.

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