DPRK Demands "Overhaul" of US Human Rights Policies

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said Monday that it is only natural for the United States to be voted out of the UN Human Rights Commission, and urged it to fundamentally change its policies on the human rights issue.

Rodong Sinmun, a daily of the ruling Workers' Party, said in a commentary that the US has been acting against the general practice adopted by any sovereignty in the current world, which stresses solving their own problems by themselves and non-interference in other countries' internal affairs.

Worse than that, the US has regarded itself as a "judge of human rights" to grant itself the right to oppose other countries' independent ruling, said the commentary.

The commentary also denounced the annual US reports on the human rights records of countries throughout the world as a makeup collection of human rights problems in other countries, adding that the reports have misled the media as well as interfered in internal affairs of other countries.

The US, under the cover of the "guard of human rights" and irrespective of international laws and regulations, have been exerting pressure or even using its military force to achieve its purpose of interfering in other countries' internal affairs, said the commentary.

The US, though a meager land of human rights, has been shamelessly utilizing the human rights issues to wield power throughout the world, said the commentary. Its unreasonable and arbitrary acts have aroused worldwide dislike and opposition, which ultimately led to the US' failure to retain its membership in the Human Rights Commission.

The commentary said that the U.S. should learn from the lesson and fundamentally change its positions and policies toward the human rights issue.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/