CCTV to Open New Channels on Sci-Educational and Traditional Opera

The dominating China Central Television (CCTV) will open two new channels on science-education and traditional opera in July to meet the needs of the society.

Head of CCTV lately told the media the guiding principle and features of the two channels, saying that this is not simply a multiplication of programs but what is most important is an implementation of the state policy of relying on science and education for the rejuvenation of the nation.

The Channel 10 -- Science and Education would provide programs of top quality and taste, both self-made and from other television stations. It is designed to have over 20 columns as "contemporary education", "exploration and discovery" and "hope-English magazine", etc.

The Channel 11 -- Traditional Opera will serve to spread national culture, universal opera knowledge, as well as entertain fans and foster youngsters of this trade. It includes columns as "opera panorama", "live transmission of performances" and "appreciation of famous operatic pieces".

In recent years, CCTV programs have effectively covered 98 percent of countries and regions on the earth via 14 transmitters on 10 satellites.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

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