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Saturday, July 07, 2001, updated at 13:33(GMT+8)

Aunt Says Missing Intern Has Affair With US Congressman

Linda Zamsky, aunt of the missing former intern Chandra Levy, disclosed Friday that her niece told her she was "involved in an intimate relationship" with Congressman Gary Condit from California.

Linda Zamsky, a resident of Maryland, said in a statement that Levy had "described, in detail, some of their bedroom encounters."

She said that Chandra Levy told her the congressman had given her gifts, including a gold bracelet and chocolates. Levy also detailed weekends she spent at Condit's Washington apartment.

The aunt said the Levy family was "frustrated and outraged" that Condit would give a misleading account of their relationship and that they felt his "lack of candor is hindering efforts to find Chandra."

Zamsky said she decided to make public what Levy confided to her because Condit has not been forthcoming about the relationship.

Condit, a 53-year-old father of two, has acknowledged a friendship with 24-year-old Levy, but has denied any affair with her.

Chandra Levy, who is from Modesto, California, part of Condit's congressional district, is missing from April 30. She just completed an internship at the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons. Police are treating Levy's disappearance as a missing person's case.

Congressman Condit has been interviewed twice by authorities about Levy's disappearance. Police said he was not a suspect in Levy's disappearance case.

Linda Zamsky said her niece called her the day before she was last seen and left an upbeat message saying she had "some big news " to share. "No one believe that she committed suicide," said the aunt.

A graduate student at the University of Southern California, Chandra Levy was completing her master's degree in public administration with a Washington work-study program.

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Linda Zamsky, aunt of the missing former intern Chandra Levy, disclosed Friday that her niece told her she was "involved in an intimate relationship" with Congressman Gary Condit from California.

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