China Maps Five Major IT Projects

During the 10th Five-year Plan period (2001-2005), China will launch five major IT projects to facilitate the country's economic construction and social informationalization process.

The five information projects are reported as follows:

1. Exploitation of information resources: An information resource exploitation pattern is to be formed through construction of basic information projects, macro-economy information and public information resources.

2. Information infrastructure construction: to speed up information infrastructure construction to cater to an increased need for informationalization and construction of a high-speed broadband network, mobile information network, urban informationalization and information security system.

3. Information application: to fully develop information application by expanding electronic media, network education and social security system informationalization construction.

4. E-business: to improve the overall economic competition strength by promoting e-commerce and expediting informationalization process in enterprises and financial field.

5. Information-related product supply: to increase supply of information-related products by developing digital TV, integrated circuit and software.

By the end of the 10th Five-year Plan period, the added value of China's telecom industry and IT manufacturing sector will take 7 percent of the country's GDP, China is expected to have the largest -scale network coverage and content volume with computers to exceed 60 million sets. More than 40 percent of the population will use telephone and 8 percent to have access to Internet, annual growth rate of information service sector to surpass 30 percent with e-product export growth rate to reach 15 percent.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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