Arafat Voices Willingness to Join Anti-terrorism Coalition

Palestinian National Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat expressed willingness Tuesday to join the global anti-terrorism coalition in the making.

He told reporters in the Palestinian-ruled Gaza area that he had already informed U.S. President George W. Bush on his decision to be part of the alliance.

"I informed the United States this morning we are ready to put all our capabilities at their disposal, and of our readiness to be part of the international alliance to put an end to terrorism against innocent and unarmed civilians," the Palestinian leader announced.

Meanwhile, Arafat reasserted his determination to achieve calm in order to bringing in truce talks between the Palestinians and Israel.

He said he had reiterated his order in the morning to hold fire against the Israelis.

The Palestinian leader declared a complete ceasefire with the Israelis on Monday on the eve of the new Jewish year 5762, which falls on Tuesday.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Sunday that if Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat declared a ceasefire, Israel would immediately cease all its actions against the Palestinians.

He also pledged that only after 48 hours of complete quiet, a meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Arafat would be possible to discuss a truce between the two sides.

People's Daily Online ---