
U.S. problems derive from party rivalries, drive country onto perilous path: article

(Xinhua) 09:25, November 15, 2022

People gather near the Capitol building during a right-wing rally in Washington, D.C., the United States, on Sept. 18, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

In contrast to popular belief, life in the United States is not as rosy as it may appear in the popular media; Americans suffer from inequality in gender, income, and wealth, according to the article.

NEW YORK, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- The United States is on a perilous path that has a potential to end in tragedy, pulling apart the nation, said a recent article on the Fair Observer website.

"As January 6 (insurrection on the U.S. Capital) demonstrated, a few thousand resolute individuals can initiate the fragmentation of the union, a process that began with the bickering between Democrats and the Republicans," said the article authored by Mehdi Alavi, the founder and president of Peace Worldwide Organization.

In contrast to popular belief, life in the United States is not as rosy as it may appear in the popular media; Americans suffer from inequality in gender, income, and wealth, according to the article.

"They receive poor healthcare and face frequent violence. Minority groups are routinely subjected to cultural and racial discrimination. Poverty and homelessness are visibly growing. Minorities and the poor disproportionately die from the COVID-19 and its variants," it said.

"Many of the problems derive from the competitive political rivalries between the two dominant parties. Both have developed the reflex of serving the rich at the expense of other segments of the population," it added.

(Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun)


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