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English>>China Society

Quake-leveled Yushu back to life after two-year reconstruction (2)


17:12, November 07, 2012

In addition to housing construction, a total of 44 schools and 53 hospitals have been rebuilt in Yushu at a cost of 2.8 billion yuan.

After the devastating quake, around 10,000 students in Yushu were relocated to other schools throughout the country.

By September, they had all returned to reconstructed schools equipped with computer labs, science labs and libraries.

"The new school is way better than the old one," said Jamyang Chokgyal, who has returned to the prefecture's Minzu High School after two years away in neighboring Sichuan province.

A 74-year-old Tibetan woman who called herself Riyam told reporters that all the clothes she was wearing had been allocated by the local civil affairs department, adding that they were enough to keep her warm throughout months of winter cold.

She is among 27 seniors living in the Nampar Nangzed Nursing Home.

"All I am wearing, from the socks to the padded coat, are gifts from the government," she said.

The nursing home facility is the first of its kind in Yushu, and it receives 22,000 yuan from the government each month to tend to the elderly.

"I pray almost every day for those who have helped to shelter, warm and feed us," Riyam said.

Another 16 nursing centers are currently under construction in Yushu County. Once completed, they will cater to around 9,000 elderly people in need of government care.

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