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English>>China Society

Guangzhou takes lead in reducing homework (2)

By Zheng Caixiong  (China Daily)

08:47, November 08, 2012

He urged relevant departments to reform the domestic exam-oriented education system and to allow children to have more time to develop their own interests.

Although most teachers and parents welcome the move, there are some concerns their children will be unable to achieve good results in their exams.

Yin Yinuo, a mother of a 7-year-old boy, said she worries her son will not be able to compete with others in term exams if he has less homework.

"I hope my son can have a happy childhood, but I dare not let him slacken his efforts in studies," she said. "It is not possible for children to do a little homework after school on the mainland at the moment."

In Beijing, an 11-year-old girl known as Honghong, suffered serious bone fractures after jumping from a school building on Monday, because she was scared of being punished for not doing her homework, Beijing Youth News reported.

"Honghong was afraid of being scolded and punished by her teacher, then she jumped off from the third floor," Honghong's grandmother was quoted as saying.

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