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English>>Foreign Affairs

China a responsible player in combating climate change (2)


08:20, December 03, 2012

Between 2006 and 2010, Chinese aggregate energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped 19.1 percent from that of 2005, which is equivalent to a reduction of 1.46 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

China is playing a constructive role in pushing forward climate negotiations while doing its bit to keep emissions within targets. Yet it is unfair and unreasonable to hold China to absolute cuts in emissions at the present stage.

It is still a developing nation under rapid urbanization and with 128 million members of its population under a poverty line of living on one U.S. dollar or less per day. Slowing global warming is an urgent task but it must not sacrifice room for further development.

Developed nations that produced most of the heat-trapping greenhouse gases should bear the costs of fixing the problem.

【1】 【2】

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