Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, December 05, 2001

Palestinian Suicide Bomber Wounds 3 in Jerusalem

A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on Wednesday, wounding three other people, when his bomb exploded prematurely on Wednesday outside a hotel in central Jerusalem, Israeli police said.


A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on Wednesday, wounding three other people, when his bomb exploded prematurely on Wednesday outside a hotel in central Jerusalem, Israeli police said.

The attack followed an Israeli pledge that there would be no let-up in two days of air strikes against Palestinian security installations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip after 25 people were killed in the worst wave of suicide bombings in years.

A device strapped to the bomber's body exploded as he crossed the road outside what used to be the Hilton Hotel, sending parts of his body and nails and shrapnel flying but causing few casualties and little other damage.

Police said three people standing at a bus stop nearby were slightly hurt by flying glass. The bomber's flesh and clothing lay scattered across the road after police sealed off the area and started to clear up.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. The military wing of the Islamic group Hamas claimed responsibility for the weekend bomb suicide attacks in Jerusalem and the northern port city of Haifa, and has vowed to continue the attacks.

Israel blamed Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for Wednesday's attack, as well as the weekend bombings, because he has failed to rein in militants. Palestinian officials deny the charges and say Israel's actions amount to a declaration of war.


Israelis Foil Suicide Bombing

At Least 16 Killed, 60 Injured in Haifa Suicide Bus Bombing


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