Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Shenzhen Export Volume Ranks First in China for Nine Years

By the end of last year, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in south China's Guangdong Provinceranked first among Chinese cities for the ninth straight year in export volume of foreign trade.


By the end of last year, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in south China's Guangdong Provinceranked first among Chinese cities for the ninth straight year in export volume of foreign trade.

In 2001, Shenzhen's total export volume amounted to about 37.5 billion yuan (4.5 billion U.S. dollars), 8.36 percent higher than that of the previous year.

The export volume of hi-tech products in Shenzhen totaled 10.8 billion yuan (1.3 billion U.S. dollars) last year, 29.5 percent higher than that in 2000.

Liu Guangqi, vice director of Shenzhen Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, said the rapid increase of export volume in Shenzhen could be attributed to the series of supportingpolicies launched by both the central and local governments.

In addition, Shenzhen took the lead in reforming the foreign trade administration systems last year, which help expand enterprises' export business. It has effectively promoted the sustained improvement of Shenzhen's export, said Liu.


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