Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, December 29, 2002

US Intends to Internationalize DPRK Nuclear Issue

The United States is intended to internationalize its dispute over the nuclear issue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) rather than a confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington.


The United States is intended to internationalize its dispute over the nuclear issue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) rather than a confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington.

Top national security advisers of US President George W. Bush met Friday and decided to refer the issue to the United Nations, local press reported Saturday.

The United States decided to support an effort by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to have the UN Security Council declare that the DPRK violates the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and other agreements, The New York Times reported, quoting senior administration officials as saying.

The IAEA is reportedly expected to meet in early January and refer the nuclear issue of DPRK to the UN Security Council within days.

Another major US newspaper, The Washington Post, said that the Bush administration's intention to present the issue to the UnitedNations is part of its policy to "isolate and contain" the DPRK, acountry that Bush called is part of an "evil of axis."

"We want to make it clear that this is now an internationalizedproblem, not just a problem between the United States and North Korea," The New York Times quoted a senior official as saying, whowas involved in the discussion.

The row between the Untied States and the DPRK has intensified over the nuclear issue after the DPRK decided to order the IAEA inspectors out of the country.

The United States, taking tough stance toward DPRK since Bush took office, has refused to have direct negotiations with the DPRKuntil it scraps its nuclear weapons program.

But the DPRK insisted that the United States first sign a nonaggression agreement with the country before it takes any move.

With its military build-up underway in the Persian Gulf, the United States is now focusing on a possible military strike on Iraq and would not let the issue distract its attention from Iraq.But US officials said that the United States "can easily handle both at the same time."

So far, the United States has not considered military option against the DPRK, according to US officials.

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