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Afghan police kill would-be suicide bomber


16:43, November 12, 2012

ASSADABAD, Afghanistan, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A would-be suicide bomber was killed and another injured in an exchange of fire with police in Assadabad, capital of eastern Afghan province of Kunar, on Monday, provincial police chief Awaz Mohammad Nazari said.

"Two suicide bombers equipped with suicide vests and pistols were attempting to target police in Assadabad city at around 08:30 a.m. local time but police identified and opened fire at them, killing one on the spot and injuring another," Nazari told Xinhua.

The injured would-be suicide bomber has been taken into custody for interrogation, he added.

A police officer was slightly injured during clash, he admitted.

Taliban militants who are largely relying on suicide and roadside bombings have yet to make comment.

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