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Bulgarian party insists int'l investigation on attack against leader


16:36, January 21, 2013

SOFIA, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), Bulgaria's ethnic Turkish party, here on Sunday insisted international investigation on Saturday's armed attack against its leader Ahmed Dogan.

A gunman, who carried two knives, pointed a gas gun at Dogan when the leader was delivering a speech at the party's national conference in the National Palace of Culture but was neutralized by delegates before he could shoot.

"We do not accept the replacement thesis about what happened at the conference," MRF's newly elected chairman Lyutvi Mestan told a press conference after early on Sunday state officials said the gunman acted alone and had not wanted to kill Dogan.

According Nedelcho Stoychev, director of the Institute of Psychology at the Ministry of Interior, the shooter wanted only to get "his five minutes of fame," while Borislav Sarafov, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Bulgaria, said that a person can not be killed with a gun of this type.

"We are witnesses of an absolute scandalous attempt to replace the truth about what happened yesterday," Mestan said.

He said the armed attack against Dogan was "an attempt for ostentatious ritual assassination", and exposure of its political endorser should be the main objective of the investigation.

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