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English>>China Business

Taiwan's e-commerce value to reach $22.6 bln


08:28, November 20, 2012

TAIPEI, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- The value of Taiwan's e-commerce sector will reach 6,600 billion New Taiwan dollars (22.6 billion U.S. dollars) this year, a 17 percent growth over 2011, economic authorities said Monday.

The figure is predicted to top 1 trillion NTD (34.3 billion U.S. dollars) in 2015. The Chinese mainland will be a key market for Taiwan's e-commerce industry, according to Taiwan's economic authorities at a seminar on promoting the development of e-commerce.

The industry is one of the few in Taiwan that is growing despite the global economic recession.

Taiwan authorities have initiated a program for promoting Chinese language e-commerce and transaction safety, in a bid to help practitioners enter the fast-growing mainland market, which has more than 500 million Internet users.

Taiwan and the Chinese mainland will hold discussions on issues that hinder Taiwan's e-commerce practitioners from entering mainland market. These include customs clearance and obtaining the mainland's business certificates for Internet Content Providers (ICP).

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