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English>>China Society

Zoo cat fight enters third round

By Zhang Hui (Global Times)

09:34, November 08, 2012

A stray cat wanders outside the shelter Beijing Zoo administration built in the north part of the zoo. Photo: Li Hao/GT

Volunteers at Beijing Zoo who are concerned with stray cat welfare have been accused of irrational behavior by a leading animal aid organization.

Some of the volunteers claimed the zoo destroyed about 20 shelters for stray cats Tuesday, but the Capital Animal Welfare Association (CAWA), which has previously acted as a negotiator between the zoo and volunteers, has said it will now step away from further intervention in the case.

A volunteer, who asked for anonymity, told the Global Times that the zoo destroyed and removed the shelters she put in the woods on Tuesday, and alleged the zoo told her this was because of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

"Over 10 cats have died due to insufficient shelters so far," the volunteer said. She said she was worried the snow this coming weekend might threaten more cats' lives.

Ye Mingxia, the zoo's media officer, refused to comment and said she was unaware of the issue.

Qin Xiaona, president of CAWA, said she believes the volunteers have not considered the feelings of tourists or considered the animals in the zoo, as the shelters are too close to some wild animal zones.

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