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Wood ears help boost income of former poverty-stricken village in Shaanxi

(People's Daily Online)    11:08, April 26, 2020

Wood ears, an edible fungus, in Jinmi village, Xiaoling town, Zhashui county, northwest China's Shaanxi province have become quite popular nowadays. Jiang Baichuan, secretary of the Party branch of Jinmi village, excitedly shared: "We did a live broadcast in the village's e-commerce center, and 80,000 bags of wood ears were sold out in only seconds."

Located in the Qinling Mountains, Jinmi village was once a notoriously poverty-stricken village in Zhashui county due to inconvenient transportation and scarcity of arable land.

(Photo/Ren Min You Dian Bao)

In recent years Zhashui county has attached much importance to the wood ear industry, boosting the income of the poor people, with the poverty incidence of Jinmi village dropping to 0.23 percent at the end of 2019.

"Spring is the best time to plant wood ears. The farming season waits for no one. Feel free to let us know if there is any problem with the resumption of work and production in the village," said Gou Minghuan, an official with the discipline inspection commission of Zhashui county.

The commission sent a comprehensive supervision and inspection team to gain better understanding of the county's wood ear industrial base, strengthening aspects of the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development.

In view of the difficulties and outstanding problems in the resumption of work and production, the special team urged the relevant functional departments and responsible units to coordinate and solve in a timely manner.

Live streaming the work by villagers has gained popularity as today, Jinmi villages plant with an annual production capacity of 20 million bags of wood ears and 1,000 tons of sorting and packaging production lines have resumed work.

"Hearing the roar of machines on the bacterial bag production line, we felt much more at ease," said Gou, adding that what she sees most is the smiles on the faces of the villagers in Jinmi village. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)

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