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Beijing Guoan midfielder Renato Augusto returns to China

(Xinhua)    10:13, July 08, 2020

RIO DE JANEIRO, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Beijing Guoan's Brazil international midfielder Renato Augusto has returned to China as he prepares for the start of the Chinese Super League season.

The 32-year-old will observe a mandatory two-week quarantine before he can resume training with his Beijing Guoan teammates, according to Brazil's Globo Esporte news service.

Renato, who joined Beijing Guoan in 2016, has spent the past seven months away from China because of the coronavirus pandemic.

He traveled to Brazil in December following the completion of the 2019 season and then joined his Beijing teammates for pre-season training in Spain in January.

However, travel restrictions prevented the former Flamengo, Bayer Leverkusen and Corinthians playmaker from returning to China and he has spent the past four and a half months training alone in Brazil.

The Chinese Super League season will begin on July 25, almost five months after its scheduled start.

Beijing Guoan finished second in the 2019 Chinese Super League table, two points behind champions Guangzhou Evergrande.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: He Zhuoyan, Liang Jun)

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