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Firms showcase new trends in sports tech at CIFTIS

(Xinhua)    09:16, September 07, 2020

BEIJING, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Featuring facial recognition, dish recognition, nutrition computing, and self-service dining, a "smart restaurant" for athletes has attracted many spectators at the Sports Services exhibition area of China International Fair For Trade in Services (CIFTIS).

Fan Yichen, sales person for a firm called China Competitor (CPT) said that the "smart restaurant" developed by CPT is combination of sports and technology, equipped with a reasonable diet and nutrition management system for athletes.

According to Fan, the system effectively combines sports nutrition, sports training, functional monitoring, weight control and other scientific research technologies, as well as image recognition, face recognition, Internet of things communication, cloud computing, big data, and intelligent hardware. Combined with special considerations for athletes like training load and other personalized factors, it can achieve scientific catering and achieve the close combination of sports nutrition management and training content.

"At the CIFTIS, many university teams and public fitness organizations have consulted this 'smart restaurant'. This service has obvious advantages. In the past, some sports teams used the method of weighing food to prepare meals, which was not only inconvenient, but also inaccurate. At present, the whole service solution has been applied to Hebei athletes preparing for the Winter Olympics," Fan added.

As one of the eight exhibition areas of the CIFTIS, the Sports Services exhibition has attracted guests and merchants from more than 40 countries and regions, and more than 100 Chinese and foreign sports service institutions. Compared with previous years, this year's exhibitors are paying more attention to the integration of sports with science and technology, and many of them have set up their own digital technology teams to explore information products.

"With the rapid development of information technology, the integration of sports and science and technology has become a necessary means of sports development," said professor Li Xiangru of the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports. "During the pandemic period, the rise of various online sports accelerated the integration of sports and technology," Li added.

Fitness equipment with LCD screens also attracted many visitors. "This is different from the fitness equipment in our community. There will be a display on the screen. For example, the three circles on the screen will be full only when the action is in place and the strength and persistence time are in place," a Beijing resident surnamed Zhao said.

One of Swiss company Sorehsa AG's wholly owned subsidiaries in China, Soreha Beijing has brought a number of intelligent physical training systems, including systems for respiratory function test training and intelligent hypoxia recovery.

Wang Yu, marketing director of Soreha Beijing said the products provide "a closed-loop training process of detection, warm-up, training and recovery, covering four core training modules of strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility, and intelligent equipment guides trainers to train independently and accurately."

Soreha Beijing has provided similar exercise systems for hospitals to customize rehabilitative training for patients. "Due to the impact of the pandemic, our business has declined significantly. But I believe that with the economic and social recovery, the broad domestic market will release more potential in the future," Wang Yu said.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Wen Ying, Bianji)

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