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Interview: Ukraine ready to further develop strategic partnership with China: president

(Xinhua)    21:02, October 01, 2020

KIEV, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for a further development of the bilateral strategic partnership with China.

In a recent written interview with Xinhua, Zelensky underlined that China has always been and remains one of the priorities of Ukrainian foreign policy.

"Relations between Ukraine and China are a long history of political and cultural dialogue, economic mutually beneficial cooperation, respect for the choice of each other's development path," Zelensky said.

Zelensky noted that the two countries had made significant progress in developing political dialogue and practical cooperation since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992.

"I am pleased to state that Ukrainian-Chinese interaction has always been based on a solid foundation of mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, non-interference in internal affairs and recognition of the path of development chosen by the people," he said.

Zelensky hoped that relations between the two countries, following the requirements of the new era, should reach an even higher level of development.

He also said that Ukraine was one of the first countries to support the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China, and Ukraine-China cooperation has great potential, adding that Ukraine is looking forward to strengthening cooperation with China in areas including economy and trade, construction of the "Belt and Road" and anti-epidemic collaboration.

Zelensky also mentioned the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, noting that in recent years, Ukraine has stepped up efforts in training specialists in Sinology.

"The Chinese language is being studied in general education schools and higher educational institutions. In Ukraine, about 500 Sinologists receive diplomas of philology every year. We have qualified translators," Zelensky said.

Zelensky spoke highly of the two countries' cooperation in response to COVID-19, and said he appreciated China's friendly support, which is particularly important and valuable to Ukraine.

He added Ukraine is willing to further cooperation with China in dealing with the pandemic.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Zhao Tong, Bianji)

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