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Iran says UN arms embargo lifted

(Xinhua)    14:16, October 18, 2020

TEHRAN, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- A United Nations-imposed arms embargo on Iran ended officially on Sunday in line with a 2015 landmark nuclear deal, the Iranian foreign ministry said.

"As of today, all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from the Islamic Republic of Iran ... are all automatically terminated," the ministry said in a statement.

No special action was necessary from the Iranian side as the embargo lifts automatically if no extension or additional measures are taken by the Security Council, the statement said.

Meanwhile, Iran is self-dependant in defense and sees no arms buying spree, it said.

"Iran's defense doctrine is premised on strong reliance on its people and indigenous capabilities... Unconventional arms, weapons of mass destruction and a buying spree of conventional arms have no place in Iran's defense doctrine," the ministry said.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Zhang Wenjie, Liang Jun)

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