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Ferrero expects a sweet date with Chinese consumers at CIIE

(Xinhua)    09:24, October 27, 2020

SHANGHAI, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Italy's confectionery giant Ferrero said it will bring more than 20 varieties of products, including eight new ones, to the upcoming third China International Import Expo (CIIE), which will take place from Nov. 5 to 10.

"It will be the second time for Ferrero to participate in the CIIE," said Mauro De Felip, general manager of Ferrero China. "In 2019, Ferrero made its debut at the second CIIE and achieved great success. More than 12,000 potential buyers, dealers and consumers visited Ferrero's booth last year."

According to Mauro De Felip, the CIIE has become an important platform for Ferrero to strengthen its communication with key stakeholders.

"Holding the third CIIE as scheduled amid the gloomy global economy caused by the pandemic strikes a significant meaning," he said.

The general manager expressed his confidence in the Chinese market despite the shadow of the coronavirus.

"As an Italian company deeply rooted in China for over 20 years, Ferrero will participate in the CIIE as scheduled this year, in line with our long-term commitment to and the positive outlook on the China market," he said.

"The Chinese economy has achieved a quick rebound amid the pandemic, faster than the rest of the world. Ferrero would like to tap the opportunity arising from the Chinese economic recovery by participating in the CIIE," he said.

For this year's CIIE, Ferrero said it managed to transport the products from other overseas markets to China by leveraging its global supply-chain system.

According to the company, Ferrero will actively cooperate with the event's host in applying anti-epidemic measures.

"In China, thanks to the effective measures to fight against the epidemic taken by the government, the market is recovering steadily, and Ferrero has picked up the growing momentum and achieved a higher-than-expected performance recently, after experiencing an industry-wide turbulence," said the company.

"By participating in the CIIE, Ferrero would like to seize the opportunity brought by the market recovery, so as to further consolidate our leading position in the China market," Mauro De Felip said.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Wen Ying, Bianji)

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