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English>>China Society

Marathon breaks runner record (2)

By Shen Shushu (Global Times)

09:53, December 03, 2012

He said the route made the race more interesting this year because of the great views it offered of the city.

"With regular training and by keeping a steady pace, I don't think one will get hurt in a marathon," said Qin Lan, a 30-year-old woman from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, who jogs 10 kilometers every other day around the city's West Lake.

Qin praised the orderly organization and the ample supply of food and drinks at the race, but she was disappointed that some participants discarded their disposable rain slickers and paper cups along the way.

"I had to expend extra effort to get around the trash on the street. I think some participants could have been more considerate," Qin said.

A total of 12,020 runners participated in the 5-kilometer "Fun Marathon." More than 5,000 staff members and volunteers helped run the event as referees, medics and security personnel.

The Shanghai Sports Competition Management Centre organized the event.

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