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Expo 2017 to bring Kazakhstan under global spotlight: Kazakh FM (2)

By Liu Hui (People's Daily Online)

14:48, December 20, 2012

Thirdly, we want fame. All the expos before were hosted mostly by developed world. Why not give opportunities to the developing world? Opportunities should be given to new countries, some new parts of the world.

The reason why we chose to compete with Belgium, the difficult competition, was because it completely coincided with the ambition of our own growth. We will focus on greening economic growth and modern economic growth, therefore by having this consideration, we will encourage ourselves from inside to bring new elements to the exhibition.

Expo 2017 will have a long time economic effect.

More than 100 countries will come to take part in the exhibition, which will be held in the summer of 2017. We expect millions of people to come. We have been build special exhibition in Astana, which will affect the growth of Astana, and the entire economy of the country.

We believe that after the exhibition, the facilities used in the exhibition will be continuing to be used by Kazakhstan, we would like to develop the business units, business incubators. This is not the one-time effort, but an effort from which we should have a long time economic effect.

In this case, I think we will make a very strong effort in having this exhibition. Also, this is also going to have effect on human capacity, it is something really important in terms of supporting.

【1】 【2】

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